27 agosto 2011


Eccoli i nostri eroi, faticano per ritrovare la loro forma fisica.

Questi primi allenamenti, basati sulla parte fisica, consentiranno alla squadra di affrontare tutte le partite a cento all'ora, dal primo all'ultimo minuto.

I giocatori si stanno impegnando al massimo per soddisfare le aspettative societarie.

La fatica è tanta ma CE LA FARANNO!

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

I am right here to help get your web site off to an excellent commence. Do not be one of these that wished they'd completed it much better the very first time, then take on the job, and price, of beginning over. Your website reflects what you as well as your organization or pastime are all about.

I'm capable to supply low-cost, user-friendly, customized created internet sites for any vast assortment of companies, organizations and groups.Furthermore, it should not cost a lot of money to obtain you began. I am going to aid guide you by way of the process and even warn you when i think you may be acquiring in above your head, or past your spending budget.

Listed here are some hight high quality services for any resonable cost:

Front-End Development
Custom web site design
Affordable web site design
E-Commerce website design
Corporate Website Design
Innovative website design
Static Web Design
Website maintenance
Web site re-designs
SEO Services
Logo Design

Please look around the site for further information about the [url=http://www.adrianbotea.com]web designer[/url] services that I am able to offer and to see examples of websites that I have designed



supergiovane ha detto...

Ma nell'ultima foto sembra che il Mister, paciosamente sdraiato nel tappettino in mezzo, stia schiacciando un pisolino anzichè fare a sua volta gli esercizi per dare il buon esempio alla truppa........
P.S. Ci sono le costate e la sopressata da smaltire Comin!!!!!